Is it possible to see who’s been stalking your Insta? And can someone see how many times you viewed their Instagram profile? With IG’s privacy settings always in flux, these are fair questions to ask. In this post, the team reveals if you can check your page visits.

Can Someone See How Many Times You Viewed Their Instagram Profile
No, you’re completely anonymous when viewing someone’s profile. They have no way to check who’s been on their page. They’ll only see your name if you engage with their IG profile in some way. However, businesses can see the number of viewers they have.
IG simply doesn’t track profile visits and views. But if an IG user has a private account, they’ll know who can see their content. This gives them a rough idea of their audience. However, they can still only tell you’ve been on their profile if you interact with them.
So, does Instagram have profile views of any kind? Not at all. You can scroll through someone’s IG page without any worries.

Do Profile View Trackers Work?
Some third-party apps claim to show you a full list of anyone who views your profile. You should never trust a tool like this. They simply have no way of getting this information. It may simply be a scam to hack your Instagram.
If the app does show you a list of users, this might just be random blank profiles. You’d have no way of verifying this, after all. It might mix in some accounts you share mutual followers with for extra believability.
Does Instagram show who viewed your profile? No, not even with special tools. Some platforms, such as TikTok, have this feature, however. This way, TikTok users can optimize their profiles by seeing which of their competitors view their profiles.
However, this also means you’re safe from these third-party apps. You don’t have to worry about people finding out you’re browsing their profile. However, you should only do so ethically.

Can Someone See if You View Their Instagram Story?
Yes, Stories show their creators a full list of every account that viewed them. You also aren’t able to watch them without an account, at least not via the app or site. This means you can also see your IG story views.
But how can you see who looks at your Instagram story? Here’s a quick rundown:
- Tap your profile pic (or the person icon) in the bottom-right of your feed.
- Once on your Instagram page, simply click on your profile picture again.
- This brings up your Story. Swipe up at the bottom to see who viewed it.
- Scroll through the list of people to see every viewer.
You can also check your Insta highlights viewers this way. But only for 48 hours after uploading them. Do people know if you look at their Instagram highlights? Only if you’re there quite early.
How Anonymous Story Viewers Help
However, there are tools and sites that let you check someone’s story remotely. You could even download their Instagram stories, all without them noticing a thing. Here’s why you might want to use a story viewer:
- Get inspiration: Every public story you see can inspire your next post. But if you worry about someone noticing where you got the idea, these tools will help you hide.
- Do market research: Similarly, if you want to make an engaging story, it helps to check how others do it. You’ll also be able to download everything you find for future reference.
- Conduct social media checks: These viewers let you easily vet a new recruit’s social media. You can see if they’d be a good fit for your company without them even noticing.
- Get gift ideas: If a loved one posts something they want on their story, viewing it might give things away. With anonymous story viewing tools, they’ll have no idea about your surprise gift.
- Satisfy your curiosity: Some people use these tools to keep tabs on an ex. But you shouldn’t do this. Respect their privacy and use an IG story viewer only in ethical ways.
- No account switching: If you want to view a friend’s story, you may have to switch from your business accounts. These tools save you the hassle of switching IG profiles.

Do People Know if You Look at Their Instagram Reels?
Reels keep track of view counts. This means, technically speaking, Instagram knows the names of every viewer. But there’s no way for the creator to see this information. They can only see the view count and the names of likers/commenters.
Can people see when you view their Instagram Reels? Absolutely not. Quintly’s research shows that many brands post more Reels than other content types. This means you could get stronger competitor insights via this format. And they won’t be able to tell that you’re looking.
However, you also won’t be able to see your Reels viewers. If you’re wondering how to see who visited your profile on Instagram, stories are your best bet.